The 19th annual NABIG Congress takes place May 21-24, 2020 at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario with prominent speakers and diverse participants from Canada, the United States and beyond.
The major themes for NABIG 2020 are:
- The particular relevance of basic income to young people and their future wellbeing, and the importance of engaging youth in interrelated movements, especially those concerned with climate crisis and the future of the economy.
- Basic income and women’s equality and wellbeing, especially in the context of growing precarious employment, and the need to rethink ‘work’ and the relationship between women and the state.
Proposals for presentations, panels, and alternative expressions are now invited.
The deadline for submissions is February 18, 2020.
While everyone who comes to NABIG has an opportunity to participate, learn and exchange knowledge and experience with others, the official program includes structured presentations, panels and other contributions selected from advance submissions.
The Congress is open to any disciplinary or theoretical approach or political perspective, including those who express constructive skepticism toward basic income or advocate for variants. We want to hear diverse points of view from individuals and groups actively engaged in questions of income security and economic equality. We are especially interested in presentations from those who are part of larger networks, and who have the capacity and commitment to further share their own learning and experience of basic income with others.
NABIG 2020 will feature an event on Thursday evening that is open to registrants and the general public. The Congress for registrants will include keynote speakers, plenaries and simultaneous workshops all day on Friday and Saturday and on Sunday morning. New this year, we are planning some workshop time slots devoted to interactive strategy sessions guided by key questions rather than podium presentations.
This year’s themes build on recent hopeful developments in the public and political realm. These include the powerful voices of young people advocating action on the environment. In the United States, Democratic leadership candidate Andrew Yang is running on a basic income platform that has been remarkably influential. In Canada, the recommendations to government of the landmark Report on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls include a call for a basic income for all. The bold ideas and practical solutions that are the subject of NABIG Congresses are gaining ground and we have an opportunity to make further strategic advances at this year’s Congress.
The annual NABIG Congress is organized by the Basic Income Canada Network (BICN) and the United States Basic Income Guarantee Network (USBIG). The 2020 Congress is organized in collaboration with the Faculty of Social Sciences at McMaster University, the Hamilton Roundtable for Poverty Reduction, and other partners. The Congress promises to be an influential gathering of people and ideas – we hope you will be a part of it!
For the 2020 Congress, submissions that relate to the themes will be given priority. We are also looking for a good balance between two streams of proposals:
- those that are more academic or policy-centred and
- those that are more oriented to strategy, activism and direct action.
Please note that in previous years we received a large number of high quality proposals and it was a challenge to fit all into the program. Anticipating a similar situation, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to accept all proposals.
Individual presentation, including but not limited to formal academic presentations, of 15 to 20 minutes. Organizers will then group 3 or 4 accepted presentations in a 90-minute session with a moderator and format that allows for a question-answer period.
Group sessions (e.g., panel discussions, workshops), within a 90-minute session period. Sessions of up to 3-4 people can be organized by a lead individual around a theme and/or to showcase different perspectives. Format may vary according to the group but we encourage time for questions and discussion.
Alternative format, such as poster presentations, music, visual art displays or other novel ways in which basic income subject matter can be expressed. These will be scheduled within and around the main program of the Congress.
Please note that all categories on the submission form must be completed:
- Names, affiliations (as appropriate) and contact information for leads and other participants (if any) so we can reach you.
- Title and summary of your proposal and the categories that it best fits.
- Networks to which you are connected and with which you can share content and learning beyond the Congress.
La conférence sera menée principalement en anglais. Cette conférence se déroulera au Canada, où les deux langues officielles sont l’anglais et le français. Par conséquent, la soumission de propositions en français est encouragée. (The conference will be conducted primarily in English. This conference takes place in Canada, which has the two official languages of English and French. Therefore, submissions of proposals in French are welcomed.)
Note that all presenters of accepted proposals will be required to register and pay fees for the Congress (to cover costs such as food and venue rentals). Some support may be possible for those with low income. Registration details will be provided in the coming weeks.
- for questions about submissions
- for general questions about the Congress
Download and Submit your Proposal (download and email attachment to