Alyssa Drost
HEAM seminar: Nursing Job Transitions in Long-term Care Compared to Other Sectors: Evidence from Ontario
Alyssa Drost, PhD Student the Department of Economics, will discuss her work on Wednesday January 12 at 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM via zoom.
Jan 10, 2022
With population aging and the ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic on the healthcare system, especially long-term care (LTC), it is important to understand baseline (pre-COVID) nurse employment stability. To investigate the intermittency of nursing jobs in Ontario, we use a census of registered nurses (RNs) and registered practical nurses (RPNs) from 2014-2019 to determine: (1) the year-over-year rate of jobs changes and (2) for jobs that exist in 2014, how many years each job continues. We estimate count models to compare the number of years jobs exist across sectors, and logistic regression models to compare the likelihood of job transitions. Our analysis is from the job/employer perspective, rather than the individual perspective. That is, if a nurse has three jobs, we study the survival of each job. This is useful since multiple job holding is a common phenomenon among nurses and continuity of care occurs at the job level.
To request the Zoom link, please email Emmanuel at